Monika Szafrańska, Fakty i opowieść – Helikon polskiego Apollina Jerzego Władysława Judyckiego z okazji zaślubin Władysława IV i Ludwiki Marii (z edycją wybranych wierszy)

Rok wydania: 2018
Liczba stron: 27 (61-87)
Słowa kluczowe: Jerzy Władysław Judycki, epitalamium, Władysław IV, Maria Ludwika Gonzaga
Autor: Monika Szafrańska (Uniwersytet Śląski)


The article deals with “Helicon of Polish Apollo" by Jerzy Władysław Judycki, a piece written on the occasion of the wedding of the Polish King, Władysław IV Vasa with a French princess, Marie Louise Gonzaga in 1646. In the text the author presents a literary and editorial frame of the wedding cycle and also attempts at analysing two selected songs, referring to the historical contexts and source texts form that time. It results in indicating differences between the story of events in the epithalamium (King’s participation in celebrations) and historical reality. The text is accompanied by an edition of two songs from “Helicon" uniquely preserved by the Library of the University of Warsaw.

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