Seminarium otwarte Ośrodka Studiów Kulturowych i Literackich nad Komunizmem IBL PAN

Okładka książki Weaponizing the Past8 maja o godzinie 10 (CET) zapraszamy na seminarium otwarte Ośrodka Studiów Kulturowych i Literackich nad Komunizmem IBL PAN.


Gościć będziemy dr Kate Korycki, tytuł spotkania:
Using Past as a Weapon & Creation of Exclusionary Societies


Kilka słów o spotkaniu:
The talk builds on the book, Weaponizing the Past: Collective Memory and Jews, Poles, and Communists in 21st Century Poland, in which Korycki explains why and how political elites in regime transition spaces narrate the past for political gain and what effects are produced by their preoccupation with collective remembering. First presenting a theory of politicized memory and then telling the story of post-transition Poland, in which many different political actors narrate communism as evil and connected with Jewishness, Korycki shows how democracy, progressive ideals, and notions of national belonging are narrowed and constricted.


Zagajenie w języku angielskim, dyskusja po polsku i angielsku.
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