Lidia Sokół, Problem cierpienia w Autobiografii mistycznej Anny Marii Marchockiej

Rok wydania: 2016
Liczba stron: 24 (25-48)
Słowa kluczowe: Barok, mistycyzm, autobiografia. Anna Maria Marchocka, karmelitanka, masochizm
Autor: Lidia Sokół (Uniwersytet Warszawski)


The paper presents a few aspects of human suffering based on the example of mystical experiences of a Carmelite nun, Anna Maria Marchocka. The work includes descriptions from her early childhood, novitiate period, when the suffering was rooted in loneliness, physical ailments that brought the suffering of the soul and body, as well as the three stages of a mystical path: purification, enlightenment and union. These descriptions show the reader that Marianna Marchocka did not only embrace the suffering but also the attitude that helped her to understand the events around her on the path to sainthood.

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