Grzegorz Marzec

PhD, assistant professor

Department of Romantic Literature

Biographical sketch and main research interests:

I was born in 1978. Between 1997-2002 I studied at the Faculty of Polish Studies of Warsaw University where I attained my master’s degree and soon after I undertook doctoral studies in literary theory under the supervision of prof. Zofia Mitosek. I obtained my PhD degree in 2007 and was given a post at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences where I continuously work as an assistant professor. My research interests were always a combination of philosophical and sociological approach towards literature. Currently my most important research interests are: (1) memory studies; (2) the economy of culture, the main assumptions and objectives of which were developed in a 2016 book Ekonomia pamięci [The Economy of Memory]. Economy of culture – that requires clarification – has nothing in common with the field of studies known as Cultural Economics but to some extent it might be associated with so called New Economic Criticism.

On different occasions, I like to destroy my family life with the guitar I pretend I can play.

E-mail address:


  • Books
  • Ekonomia pamięci [The Economy of Memory]. Warsaw: The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, 2016. 288 pages. ISBN: 978-83-65573-07-0. To be published in English.
  • Hermeneuta i historia. Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz w bakecie [A Hermeneutist and History. Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz in a baquet]. Warsaw: The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, 2012. 266 pages. ISBN: 978-83-61757-29-0.
  • Metafory pamięci [Metaphors of Memory]. Warsaw: The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, 2017. 436 pages. ISBN: 978-83-65573-98-8.


  • Major studies and articles
  • Logika spóźnionego postkolonializmu. Przypadek Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza [The Logic of Late Postcolonialism. A Case of Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz]. In: Romantyzm środkowoeuropejski w kontekście postkolonialnym cz. II [Middle-European Romanticism in the Postcolonial Context part 2]. Eds. M. Kuziak, B. Maciejewski. Cracow: Universitas, 2016, p. 349-371.
  • Romantyczne metafory pamięci [Romantic Metaphors of Memory]. "Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego imienia Adama Mickiewicza" 2015 (issue VIII), p. 179-198.
  • Polityczne konsekwencje romantycznego projektu pamięci jako języka [Political Aftermath of the Romantic Idea of Memory as Language]. In: Wartości w świecie słowiańskim [Values in the Slavic World]. Eds. E. Golachowska, D. Pazio-Wlazłowska. Warsaw: The Institute of Slavic Studies of Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015, p. 171-185.
  • Ironia w semiosferze, ironia semiosfery [Irony in the Semiosphere, Irony of the Semiosphere]. "Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki" 2015, no. 1, p. 115-135.
  • (1) Pornic; (2) Krzemieniec. Doświadczenie miejsca [Kremenets. The Experience of a Place]; (3) "Ballady i romanse". Mapy [Mickiewicz’s "Ballads and Romances". A Map]; (4) Waterloo; (5) Nowogródczyzna [Navahrudak and Its Area]; (6) Grób Agamemnona [Agamemnon’s Tomb]. In: Atlas polskiego romantyzmu. Polska-Europa-Świat [Atlas of Polish Romanticism. Poland-Europe-World]. Eds. M. Zielińska, D. Siwicka, G. Marzec. Warsaw: The Institute of Literary Research of Polish Academy of Sciences, 2015. Link:
  • Ironie et mémoire dans les chansons du groupe polonais Kury (Les Poules) – les années 90. "Les Nouveaux Cahiers Franco-Polonais: Ironie Contemporaine" 2009, no. 8, p. 142-150.
  • Wayne C. Booth a hermeneutyczne aspekty ironii [Wayne C. Booth and Hermeneutical Aspects of Irony]. "Pamiętnik Literacki" 2006, no. 3, p. 89-107.
  • Dlaczego Stanley Fish nie jest dekonstrukcjonistą? [Why Stanley Fish Is Not a Deconstructionist?]. In: Derrida/Adirred. Eds. D. Ulicka, Ł. Wróbel. Pultusk: The Publishing House of Pultusk Academy of Humanities, 2006, p. 425-440.
  • (1) Brzemię encyklopedii [The Burden of Encycloapedia]; (2) Encyklopedia schulzowska? [Schulz’ Encycloapedia?]. "Twórczość" 2005, no. 4, p. 74-93; 121-123.
  • Holocaust, wzniosłość, ironia. Przedstawianie nieprzedstawialnego w "Umschlagplatzu" Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza [Holocaust, the Sublime and Irony. Representation of the Unrepresentable in Rymkiewicz’s "Umschlagplatz"]. "Pamiętnik Literacki" 2005, no. 1, p. 31-52.
  • Parodia konstruktywna raz jeszcze. O piosenkach zespołu Kury z płyty "P.O.L.O.V.I.R.U.S." [Constructive Parody Once Again. The songs by Kury from the "P.O.L.O.V.I.R.U.S." Album]. "Teksty Drugie" 2003, no. 4, p. 172-187.
  • Others
  • Parę słów o yaduisrze [A Few Words on Yaduisra], in: Piłeczka. Studia o ruchu i melancholii [A Small Ball. Studies of Movement and Melancholy]. Eds. W. Bojda, A. Nawarecki. Katowice: The Publishing House of the University of Silesia, 2016.
  • Forthcoming
  • Medycyna [Medicine]. Warsaw: The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, 2018.


  • Participation in scholarly and organizational events; participation in research projects
  • Romantyzm w świetle nowych źródeł [Romanticism in the Light of New Sources]. Principal investigator: Prof. Marta Zielińska. 2013-2017. Project’s number: 0097/NPRH2/H11/81/2013.
  • Język pamięci: kulturowe i społeczno-polityczne konsekwencje romantycznego projektu pamięci [The Language of Memory: Cultural and Socio-Political Aftermath of the Romantic Idea of Memory]. Principal investigator: Dr. Grzegorz Marzec. 2014-2016. Project’s number: 2013/09/B/HS2/02832.
  • Sensualność w kulturze polskiej [The Senses in Polish Cultures]. Principal investigator: Prof. Włodzimierz Bolecki. 2010-2012. Project’s number: N R17 0005 06/2009.
  • Atlas polskiego romantyzmu. Świat-Europa-Polska. Principal investigator: Prof. Marek Bieńczyk. 2009-2011. Project’s number: NN 103 2228 36.
  • A member and secretary of the editorial board of Studia Romantyczne [Romantic Studies].


  •  Awards and scholarships
  • Scholarship For Young Outstanding Researchers (2013-2016), awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science.
  • Scholarship “The Young Institute of Literary Research" (2012-2013).
  • Scholarship awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science – the START programme (2006).
  • Visiting scholar at Indiana University, Bloomington (2004).
  • The 1st prize in the contest for the best Polish MA theses in the Humanities and social sciences, awarded by the Open Republic association (2003).


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