PhD, Associate Professor
Center for Cultural and Literary Studies of Communism “Literature and Contexts" Research Team
Current list of publications and courses available on site
Main research interests:
- critical analysis of discourse,
- media theory,
- social textual practices,
- cultural studies on communism,
- postcolonial criticism
- Tryumf amatora. O społecznościowych praktykach tekstualnych w świecie mediów elektronicznych, Warsaw 2020.
- Reprezentacje komunizmu. PRL z perspektywy badań literackich i kulturowych, Warsaw 2018.
- Umysł wobec świata. Intencjonalność w filozofii Johna Searle'a, Warsaw 2016.
- Scheming as a Business. "Communism" in the Language of the 1980s Opposition; The Example of "The Little Conspirator", in: Reassessing Communism. Concepts, Culture, and Society in Poland, 1944-1989, ed. Katarzyna Chmielewska, Agnieszka Mrozik, Grzegorz Wołowiec, Budapest 2021.
- The End of the World of Peasants. Images of Cultural Disintegration in Julian Kawalec's "Dancing Hawk", in: New Trends in Slavic Studies -2 // Современные исследования в славистике: Выпуск 2 // Nuevas tendencias en estudios eslavos - 2, ed. Simón José Suárez Cuadros, Enrique J. Vercher García, Benamí Barros García, Pavlo Marynenko, Enrique F. Quero Gervilla, Moscow 2021
- Gender Gap in the Processes of Social Production of Knowledge. A Case of Polish Wikipedia, in: Mind the gap! Proceedings of the Sixth Argumentor Conference, ed. Rozália Klára Bakó, Gizela Horváth, Oradea 2020.
Research projects:
- 2017-2019 "Equality". Critical edition of "Al-Musawat" by Majj Zijade — supervisor: dr Mustafa Switat; National Program for the Development of the Humanities, Poland, No 22H 16 0355 84 NPRH, carried out in University of Warsaw, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialization; author of a critical commentary;
- 2013-2018 Communism – History of the Concept in Poland, 1944-1989. Interpretations and Uses: Literature, Culture, Society, National Program for the Development of the Humanities, Poland (international team research project: contractor); carried out in Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literary Research;
- 2011-2013 To Narrate the People’s Republic of Poland, National Science Center, Poland (international team research project: contractor); carried out in Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literary Research;
- 2021 – Erasmus+, Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany (1 week)
- 2017 – library research, 8-16 June, Grand Rapids State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (1 week)
- 2016 – Erasmus+, Universidad de Salamanca, Instituto de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Salamanca, Spain (1 week)
- 2015 – Erasmus+, Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany (1 week)
- 2004 – scholarship of French government, University Nancy 2, Nancy, France (1 month)