Roksana Rał-Niemeczek, Rola kobiet w dramacie Pentesilea Szymona Szymonowica (The role of women in “Pentesilea" drama by Szymon Szymonowic)

(The role of women in “Pentesilea" drama by Szymon Szymonowic)

Year of publication: 2019
Page range:24 (53-76)
Keywords: “Pentesilea", women’s roles, Szymon Szymonowic, Amazon, Trojan War
Author: Roksana Rał-Niemeczek ((University of Opole)


The purpose of the article is to analyze the roles of women described in the drama by Szymon Szymonowic entitled “Pentesilea" . Continuing on the topic of the Trojan War and the accession of Pentezylea as the main heroine of this drama, it begins with a reflection on the woman’s place in the world, her responsibilities, rights and privileges. The author describes the behavior of all women who appear in the text, shows the differnces xbetween them, their personalities and their opinions about gender. The conclusions from the article, in addition to the references on the situation of women from the previous centuries, also deal with the Szymonowic’s personal views.

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