Olga Węglarz, Twórczość Persjusza w Kronice polskiej Mistrza Wincentego

(The work of Persius in Wincenty Kadłubek’s “Chronica Polonorum")

Year of publication: 2015
Page range: 12 (67-78)
Keywords: Wincenty Kadłubek, "Chronica Polonorum", reception of Persius in Poland, Persius
Author: Olga Węglarz (The University of Wrocław)


In “Chronica Polonorum" by Wincenty Kadłubek (ca. 1150 – ca. 1223) one can find many borrowings from ancient texts. The foci of this paper were the four verses from the works of Persius, a Roman satirist, which the Polish author included in his text. The paper attempts to establish the aim and context of Kadłubek’s reference to the Roman poet. Additionally, the article touches on the matter of Kadłubek’s coming to contact with Persius – whether that happened directly or indirectly. In order to try to answer these questions, the author presented a comparative analysis of the function and the context of passuses of the original poem and in Kadłubek’s work.

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