
Cezary Rosiński

Cezary Rosiński

PhD, Assistant Professor
Department of Current Bibliography
Digital Humanities Centre 

ORCID: 0000-0002-6136-7186

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Research interests: 

  • digital humanities
  • space in literature
  • literary bibliography
  • recent Polish prose
  • textual data analysis

 Selected publications:

  • Ocalić starość. Literackie obrazy starości w polskiej literaturze najnowszej [To save old age. Literary images of old age in newest Polish literature], Lublin: E-naukowiec, 2015 [in Polish]. [].
  • Spatial situations of literature, Forum of Poetics, 2020, No. 22, DOI: 10.14746/fp.2020.22.27422.
  • Dokumentacja kultury a cyfrowe zasoby archiwalne. Przypadek Polskiej Bibliografii Literackiej (PBL) i Archiwum Telewizji Polskiej [Cultural documentation and digital archival resources. The case of the Polish Literary Bibliography (PBL) and the Polish Television Archive], Archiwa – Kancelarie – Zbiory, 2018, No. 9(11) (co-authored with Beata Koper and Tomasz Umerle), DOI: 10.12775/AKZ.2018.006.
  • Obrazy starości późnej w polskiej prozie najnowszej [Images of late old age in contemporary Polish prose], Ruch Literacki, 2016, No. 2.
  • Geoculture(?), Forum of Poetics, 2015, No. 2, DOI: 10.14746/fp.2015.2.26699.

Additional information

Participation in research projects and networks:

  • 2021–2023 DARIAH-PL Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. Funded by Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 in the area 4.2 "Development of modern research infrastructure of the science sector". Coordinated by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. Contribution: member of research team.
  • 2020–2022 Database infrastructure of Polish Literary Bibliography – maintenance. Funded by MNiSW (SPUB). Contribution: coordinator.
  • 2020–2022 Global trajectories of Czech Literature since 1945. Funded by: Czech Academy of Sciences. Contribution: data specialist.
  • 2019–2023 TRIPLE (Targeting Researchers through Innovative Practices and multiLingual Exploration). Funded by: Horizon 2020. Contribution: member of research team.
  • 2018–2019 International research cooperation of bibliographic databases on literature. Stage I: Creation of an initiative group and networking. Funded by: programme. Contribution: member of research team.
  • 2018 EAST: Enhancing Accessibility and Sustainability of “Teksty Drugie". Funded by: OpenAIRE. Contribution: member of research team.
  • 2017–2019 The future of Polish and Czech literary bibliography: towards integration and use in comparative research. Funded by: IBL PAN & ÚČL AV ČR. Contribution: member of research team.
  • 2015–2018 Polish Literary Bibliography as a research lab on contemporary Polish culture. Funded by: MNiSW [Ministry of Science and Higher Education], NPRH [National Programme for the Development of the Humanities]. Contribution: member of research team. Outputs: new online database for the "Polish Literary Bibliography" (
  • 2014–2017 Poetics -– new perspectives. Funded by: National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (11H/13/0318/82). Contribution: member of research team.