Teresa Rączka-Jeziorska
PhD DSc.
Department of Romantic Literature
Main research interests:
Romantic literature (with special consideration of Polish-Livonian and Ukrainian literature), culture and history of old Polish Livonia, Polish literature on the eastern borderland in the context of post-colonial studies, Polish-Baltic borderland, Russian culture in the Baltic states, geo-poetics: literature and geography, artistic translation
Selected publications:
- "Przez fale rozeznać myśl wód". O romantycznych przedstawieniach rzeki w twórczości Adama Mickiewicza i Tarasa Szewczenki, (“Know the waters of thoughts through the waves". On Romantic representations of river in the works of Adam Mickiewicz and Taras Shevchenko), Katowice 2011, The Publishing House of the University of Silesia, pp. 117;
- Romantyzm polsko-inflancki. Sylwetki, teksty, archiwa, Warszawa 2016 (Polish-Livonian Romanticism. Persons, Texts, Archives), Warsaw 2016, The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, pp. 530;
- Национальная специфика описания разных социальных групп. На примере языка романа Ирины Сабуровой "Корабли старого городa", Saarbrücken 2017, pp. 112;
- Inflanckie pitoreski. Kultura dworu ziemiańskiego dawnych Inflant Polskich w XIX wieku, (Livonian Pictures. Landowner's Manor Culture in Old Polish Livonia of the 19th Century), Warsaw 2018, The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, pp. 500.
Critical edition of manuscripts:
- M. Prussak, T. Rączka-Jeziorska, Nieznany autograf Adama Mickiewicza. Dwie strony Inwokacji Pana Tadeusza, (Unknown Autograph of Adam Mickiewicz. Two Pages of Pan Tadeusz Invocation), Warsaw 2018, The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, pp. 32.
Studies and articles (selection):
- "Вавилонська вежа є всюди" – особливості перекладу фразеологізмів у творі Пан Тадеуш Максима Рильського на українську мову", [in:] Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze IX (The world of Slavs in language and culture IX.) Ed. by Dziadosz D., Komorowska E., Szczecin 2008, Publisher: University of Szczecin, pp. 150-155.
- W przestrzeni dialogu z bałtycką mitologią Micińskiego «Spotkania z Litwą» (Within the space of the dialogue with Miciński’s Baltic mythology «Meeting Lithuania»). (Dialoga ar baltu mitoloģiju telpā: Micinska Tikšanās ar Lietuvu). [in:] Polija un Baltija kultūras dialogā [Poland and Baltic in culture dialogue]. Ed. by Barkovska K., Kazjukevičs A., Publisher: Daugavpils Universitāte [University of Daugavpils], 2008, pp. 122-131.
- Wyjątki z domu Ludwisi, (Excerpts from Ludwisia’s home) [in:] "Postscriptum polonistyczne". Publisher: University of Silesia, 2010, [no.] 2 (6): pp. 185-195.
- Zlewisko Morza Czarnego, (The Black Sea basin) [in:] Geografia Słowackiego (The geography of Słowacki). Ed. by Siwicka D., Zielińska M., Warsaw 2012, The Publishing House of the Institute of Literary Research, pp. 130-136.
- “From the Polish-Livonian Treasure Chest of a Romantic Collector" – the idea of 19th century collecting in the works of Stefania Ulanowska, w: Latgalistikys kongresu materiali IV – Proceedings of the Congress on Latgalistics IV. "Via Latgalica", Ed. by Nau N., Andronovs A., Leikuma L., Rēzekne 2012, pp. 151-161.
- Kilka słów o Stefanii Ulanowskiej i jej spuściźnie. Na marginesie reprintu "Łotyszy Inflant Polskich", (A few words about Stefania Ulanowska and her heritage: on the margin of the reprint of “Latvians of Polish Livonia") [in:] Zapiski Historyczne, vol. 78: 2013, no. 4, pp. 145-158.
- Księgozbiory Polskich Inflantczyków w świetle nieznanych archiwaliów (koniec XVIII – początek XIX w.), [The book collections of Polish Livonians in the light of unknown archive materials (end pf the 18th century – beginning of the 19th century.)], [in:] Stan badań nad wielokulturowym dziedzictwem dawnej Rzeczypospolitej [The state of research on multicultural heritage of former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]. Vol. VI. Ed. by W. Walczak, K. Łopatecki, Publisher: Instytut Badań nad Dziedzictwem Kulturowym Europy [Institute for Research of European Cultural Heritage], Białystok 2013, pp. 531-558.
- O korespondencji Zygmunta Krasińskiego do Lucjana Weyssenhoffa, w: Zygmunt Krasiński. Dylematy egzystencji – problemy biografii, (On the correspondence of Zygmunt Krasiński to Lucjan Weyssenhoff.) [in:] Zygmunt Krasiński. Dilemmas of existence – problems of biography. Ed. by M. Bizior-Dombrowska, Toruń 2014, pp. 155-172.
- Romantyczne mapowanie przestrzeni ogrodu według Polskiego Inflantczyka Michała Jana Borcha z Warklan (1753-1810). (Romantic Mapping of the Garden Space by a Polish Livonian Michał Jan Borch of Varaklani 1753-1810), [in:] Przestrzeń – literatura – doświadczenie. Z inspiracji geopoetyki (The space – literature – experience. From the inspiration of geopoetics). Ed. T. Gęsina, Z. Kadłubek, Katowice 2016, pp. 110-123.
- Romantic Traditions of the «Burszowskie State» in Tartu on the Emajõgi, in: University Romanticism. Culture-making Role of Academic Centres in the First Half of the 19th Century, ed. E. Dąbrowicz and M. Lula, Białystok 2019, pp. 197-206.
- On the Literary Topography of the Old Polish-Livonian Manors, “Prace i Studia Geograficzne", 2019, v. 64.4, pp. 67-77.
- The Meetings of Adam Mickiewicz with Russian Riga, in: Adam Mickiewicz and the Russians, ed. M. Dąbrowska, P. Głuszkowski, Z. Kaźmierczyk, Warszawa 2020, pp. 157-169.
Participation in research projects:
- 2009-2011 – participant (one of the performers) MNISW/NCN (Ministry of Science and Higher Education/National Science Centre) of the Romanticism Unit of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Atlas of Polish Romanticism. World-Europe-Poland, no. NN 103 2228 36. Project manager – Marek Bieńczyk, PhD, Professor of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2009-2013 – performer of the supervisor’s grant of the Scientific Research Committee titled Polish-Livonian Romantic literature, no. N N103 233837. Project manager - Prof. Aleksander Nawarecki, PhD (University of Silesia)
- 2012-2017 - participant (one of the performers) NPRH (National Humanities Development Programme) of the Romanticism Unit of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences titled Romanticism in the light of new sources, no. 11H 12 0068 81. Project manager – Marta Zielińska, PhD, Professor of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2018-2019 – participant of the Program Rozwoju Współpracy Międzynarodowej IBL.eu (International Cooperation Development Programme of the Institute of Literary Research)
- 2019-2024 – participant of the grant (one of the performers) of NPRH Pracowni Dokumentacji Literatury Współczesnej IBL PAN (National Humanities Development Programme of the Modern Literature Documentation Unit at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences) number: 31H 18 0425 86 titled Translators of the Literary Works of Art in Revived Poland. Digital Bibliographic Dictionary. Project manager – Ewa Kołodziejczyk, PhD, Professor of the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Membership in Scientific Associations:
- Member of the Postcolonial Europe editorial board (http://www.postcolonial-europe.eu)
- Editorial board of a magazine published in English and available at: http://www.postcolonial-europe.eu/), publisher – Department of Slavic Languages at Stockholm University, ISSN 2000-5377
- Scientific Association in Toruń (TNT) http://www.tnt.torun.pl/en
- International Association of Polish Philology Studies (MSSP) https://mssp.pl/
- The British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) http://www.bars.ac.uk/main/
- The International Conference on Romanticism (ICR) https://icr.byu.edu/
International library research:
- Latgale Central Library in Daugavpils (2008, 2009, 2011)
- Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilnius (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)
- Vilnius University Library in Vilnius (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)
- The Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)
- Latvian State Historical Archives in Riga (2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
- National Library of Latvia in Riga (2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
- Latvian Academic Library in Riga (2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)
- Russian State Library in Moscow (2012)
- Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents in Moscow (2012)
- Vasyl Stefanyk Library in Lviv (2012, 2015)
- Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (2015)
- National Library of Estonia in Tallin (2015, 2016)
- City Archive in Tallin (2016)
- National Archives of Estonia in Tartu (2016)
- University of Tartu Library (2016)
- Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (2016)
- Semester scholarship of the Adam Graczyński Silesian Scholarship Fund (2005);
- Foreign semester scholarship in Latvia in the scope of Socrates – Erasmus program (Daugavpils 2.02. – 30.06. 2006);
- Silesian Voivodeship Scholarship for exceptional achievements in learning (Katowice 08 2006)
- National Education Ministry's scholarship for achievements in learning for academic year 2005/2006, (Warszawa 23. 09. 2005);
- Science and Higher Education Ministry's scholarship for achievements in learning for academic year 2006/2007 (Warszawa 30. 11. 2006)
- Semester scholarship of the Adam Graczyński Silesian Scholarship Fund (2008);
- Science and Higher Education Ministry's scholarship for achievements in learning for academic year 2008/2009 (Warszawa 10. 12. 2008)
- Scholarship For Young Outstanding Researchers (2018-2021), awarded by the Polish Ministry of Science (Warszawa, 17.09. 2018 r.)
- Recipient of the Award of the Prime Minister for the doctoral thesis for 2013, honourable mention in 2015 (Warszawa, 9. 02. 2015)
- Laureate of the 3rd Award in the Competition for the best doctoral thesis in cultural science in 2014, organized by the National Centre for Culture (Warszawa 22. 12. 2014)
Radio interviews:
- “Pan Tadeusz" sounded differently. A radio interview in the First Program of the Polish Radio (radio “One") on the discovery of an unknown manuscript of Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz (“Wilderness of Culture" program – aired on 14.12.2015, at 20.19)
- The Forty Verses that the World Did Not Know. A radio interview in the Second Program of the Polish Radio (radio “Two") on the publication of “Unknown Autograph of Adam Mickiewicz. Two Pages of Pan Tadeusz Invocation" (published by IBL PAN, 2018)
- (“I Choose Two" program – aired on 4.06.2018, at 16.30)
- Minsk: 200 Years of Philomats and Filarets. "Part of a Common Heritage", interview forthe Polish Radio and the Polish Press Agency in Minsk, 14.12.2017 (Wańkowicz Family Museum in Minsk, Belarus)