
Andrzej Karcz

Ph.D., Associate Professor
Department of Historical Poetics


Further Academic Qualifications: 

Habilitation - 2018, Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

A graduate of Polish Philology at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (1986). He received his Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Chicago, USA (1999). From 1999 to 2006, he worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Kansas, USA. From 2007 to 2016, he was a lecturer at the "Polonicum" Center of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners in the Department of Polish Philology at the University of Warsaw, Poland. From 2014 to 2020, he was a lecturer in Modern Polish literature in the Department of the Humanities at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland. He has also taught courses at the Catholic University of Lublin, the University of Chicago, and the University of Pittsburgh. His articles have appeared in Polish and American journals and edited volumes. He has been working at the Institute of Literary Research since 2006.

Main Research Interests: 

Literary theory; methodology of literary study; history of Polish literary criticism; Polish fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries; Polish emigre writing; comparative literature; Polish literary studies abroad.

Selected Publications:


  • Refleksja nad literaturą w polskim piśmiennictwie emigracyjnym. Tymon Terlecki, Czesław Miłosz, Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, [Reflection on Literature in Polish Emigre Writing; Tymon Terlecki, Czesław Miłosz, Gustaw Herling]. Warsaw: Institute of Literary Research Press, 2017 [in Polish]. [].
  • Teksty z daleka i bliska. Szkice nie tylko o literaturze [Texts From Far and Near: Essays on Literature and Other Matters]. Kielce: Oficyna Scriptum, 2003 [in Polish].
  • The Polish Formalist School and Russian Formalism. Rochester: University of Rochester Press; Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, 2002 [in English]. []

Edited Books:

  • Janusz Sławiński, O. prozie i krytyce. [On Prose and Criticism]. Ed. Andrzej Karcz. Warsaw: Institute of Literary Research Press [in Polish] (in press).
  • [Co-editor] Polonistyka po amerykańsku. Badania nad literaturą polską w Ameryce Północnej (1990-2005) [Polish Literary Studies, the American Style: Research on Polish Literature in North America, 1990-2005]. Eds. Halina Filipowicz, Andrzej Karcz, Tamara Trojanowska. Warsaw: Institute of Literary Research Press, 2005 [in Polish].
  • “Mój wileński opiekun.“ Listy do Manfreda Kridla (1946-1955). Z uzupełnieniem o listy Manfreda Kridla i addendum. [Czesław Miłosz, “My Guardian of Wilno": Letters to Manfred Kridl (1946-1955)]. Ed. with an introduction by Andrzej Karcz. Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2005 [in Polish].

Book Chapters in Edited Volumes:

  • "O potrzebie (i trudnościach) badań nad powojenną krytyką literacką na emigracji" [On the Need (and the Difficulties) of Research on Postwar Emigre Literary Criticism]. In Literatura polska na obczyźnie – zapomniane dziedzictwo po roku 1939. Ed. Ryszard Zajączkowski. Lublin: Scholarly Society of the Catholic University of Lublin Press, 2017, pp. 153-172 [in Polish].
  • "‘Nieszczęsna ‘sprawa polska.’ Czesława Miłosza myśli o literaturze polskiej i szerzeniu o niej wiedzy wśród obcych" ["The Wretched ‘Polish Question’: Czeslaw Milosz’s Thoughts on Polish Literature and Spreading the Knowledge of It Among Foreigners]. In Czym kultura polska może uwieść frankofona? Ed. Andrzej Zieniewicz et al. Warsaw: The University of Warsaw Press, 2015, pp. 27-36 [in Polish].
  • "Literatura wobec wojny. O najważniejszym temacie w refleksji krytycznej Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego w latach 1945-1951" [Literature and War: On the Most Important Theme in the Critical Reflection of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński, 1945-1951]. In Powrześniowa emigracja niepodległościowa na mapie kultury nie tylko polskiej. Paryż – Londyn – Monachium – Nowy Jork. Vol. II. Ed. Violetta Wejs-Milewska et al. Białystok: The University of Bialystok Press, 2016, pp. 271- 289 [in Polish].
  • "Czesława Miłosza refleksja nad prozą. (Z perspektywy pierwszego dziesięciolecia emigracji)" [Czeslaw Milosz’s Reflection on Prose. (A Perspective of His First Ten Years in Exile)]. In Literatura - kultura religijna - polskość. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana prof. dr. hab. Krzysztofowi Dybciakowi w 65. rocznicę urodzin. Ed. Krzysztof Koehler et. al., Warsaw: Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Press, 2015, pp. 337-366 [in Polish].
  • "Littérature polonaise comme littérature étrangère et son enseignement" [Polish Literature as Foreign: The Problems of Teaching]. In Enseigner et apprendre le polonais langue étrangère. Ed. Leszek Kolankiewicz et al. Trans. Krystyna Bourneuf, Paris: Université Paris-Sorbonne; Warsaw: Université de Varsovie, 2014, pp. 77-86 [in French].
  • "‘Literacki dylemat narodowości i uniwersalności’. Wyspiański jako przedmiot międzynarodowej batalii Tymona Terleckiego" ["Literary Dilemma of Nationality and Universality." Wyspiański as a Subject of Tymon Terlecki’s International Battle]. In Literatura polska w świecie. Tom IV: Oblicza światowości, ed. Romuald Cudak. Katowice: The University of Silesia, Gnome Press: 2012, pp. 47-62 [in Polish].
  • "Polish Literary Theory in the Anglophone World: The Case of Roman Ingarden." In New Perspectives on Polish Culture: Personal Encounters, Public Affairs. Ed. Tamara Trojanowska et al. New York: PIASA Books, 2011, pp. 298-311 [in English].
  • "Literatura polska po angielsku. Problem kanonu lektur w nauczaniu cudzoziemców" [Polish Literature in English Translation: The Problem of the Canon in the Teaching of Foreigners]. In Kanon kultury w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego. Ed. Piotr Garncarek et al. Warsaw: The University of Warsaw Center of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, 2010, pp. 97-108 [in Polish].
  • "Zbigniew Herbert w Ameryce. Obecność i podstawy recepcji" [Zbigniew Herbert in America: Presence and the Bases of Reception]. In Herbert na językach. Współczesna recepcja twórczości Zbigniewa Herberta w Polsce i na świecie. Ed. Artur Grabowski et al. Warsaw: Biblioteka Narodowa, 2010, pp. 191-211 [in Polish].
  • "Wkład Warszawskiego Koła Polonistów w powstanie i dorobek polskiej szkoły formalnej" [Contribution of the Warsaw Polonists’ Circle to the Creation and Output of the Polish Formalist School]. In Tradycje polskiej nauki o literaturze. Warszawskie Koło Polonistów po 70 latach. Ed. Danuta Ulicka at al. Warsaw: The University of Warsaw Press, 2008, pp. 31-40 [in Polish].
  • "Kazimierza Wóycickiego formalistyczna koncepcja dzieła literackiego i historii literatury" [Kazimierz Woycicki’s Formalist Concept of the Literary Work and Literary History]. Trans. Tomasz Kunz. In Polonistyka po amerykańsku. Badania nad literaturą polską w Ameryce Północnej (1990-2005)..., pp. 268-285. [Trans. of an excerpt from The Polish Formalist School…] [in Polish].
  • "Sakralna wizja świata w Stanisława Vincenza Na wysokiej połoninie" [The Sacred Vision of the World in Stanisław Vincenz's On the High Uplands]. In Proza polska w kręgu religijnych inspiracji. Ed. Maria Jasińska-Wojtkowska et al. Lublin: Scholarly Society of the Catholic University of Lublin Press, 1993, pp. 355-369. [Revised version in Studia o Stanisławie Vincenzie. Ed. Piotr Nowaczyński. Lublin: The Catholic University of Lublin Press, 1994, pp. 101-121; and in Teksty z daleka…, pp. 47-72] [in Polish].

Selected Articles and Review Essays in Refereed Journals:

  • "Joseph Conrad’s Fictional Character in the Essays and Critical Writings of Gustaw Herling," The Polish Review 2 (2022): 5-32. [Trans. of an excerpt from Refleksja nad literaturą...] [in English].
  • "O powojennej działalności i wzajemnych relacjach Manfreda Kridla i Wiktora Weintrauba. Publikacje – listy – dokumenty." [On the Postwar Activity and the Mutual Relations of Manfred Kridl and Wiktor Weintraub: Publications, Letters, Documents], Pamiętnik Literacki 1 (2022): 205-225. [in Polish]. 
  • "An Emigré Critic at Postwar London Theatres: The Reviews and Essays of Tymon Terlecki," The Polish Review 4 (2020): 97-103. [in English]
  • "Reconstructing a Genius’s Life: A New and Comprehensive Biography of Witold Gombrowicz," The Polish Review4 (2019): 61-69. [in English]
  • "Powojenna poezja polska w refleksji Czesława Miłosza. Perspektywa pierwszych lat emigracji." [Postwar Polish Poetry in the Reflection of Czeslaw Milosz: A Perspective of the First Years of His Emigration], Świat Tekstów 10 (2012): 179-192 [in Polish]. 
  • "‘Szczególna manifestacja osobowości ludzkiej.’ Tymona Terleckiego rozumienie literatury" ["A Special Manifestation of Human Personality": Tymon Terlecki’s Understanding of Literature], Pamiętnik Literacki 3 (2012): 53-83 [in Polish].
  • "Głos stłumiony. O konwencjonalności literatury" [The Muted Voice: On the Conventionality of Literature], Roczniki Humanistyczne 1 (2011): 21-32. [In Polish]. [Trans. in English: "The Muffled Voice: On the Conventional Character of Literature," Roczniki Humanistyczne 1 (2018): 5-17.]
  • "W poszukiwaniu płci, seksualności i etyki w prozie polskiej" [In Search of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethics in Polish Prose], Teksty Drugie 5 (2008): 75-87 [in Polish].
  • "‘Znosić wygnanie w tym pięknym,… ale jakże obcym kraju.’ Lata amerykańskie Manfreda Kridla" ["To Endure an Exile in this Beautiful… But so Foreign a Country." Manfred Kridl’s American Years], Archiwum Emigracji. Studia-Szkice-Dokumenty5/6 (2002/2003): 23-37. [Reprinted in Teksty z daleka…] [in Polish].
  • "Kryzys badań literackich a po-poststrukturalistyczne propozycje" [Crisis in Literary Study and Post-Poststructuralist Proposals], Teksty Drugie 2 (2001): 156-167. [Reprinted in Teksty z daleka…] [in Polish].
  • "Manfred Kridl: The Struggle for the Reform of Polish Literary Scholarship," The Polish Review 2 (2000): 171-182. [Revised version in The Polish Formalist School…] [in English].
  • "Kazimierz Wóycicki: The Founder of Polish Formalism," The Polish Review 2 (1997): 155-165. [Revised version in The Polish Formalist School…] [in English].
  • "Literatura a ideologia. Debata w Ameryce" [Literature and Ideology; A Debate in America], Teksty Drugie 4 (1994): 117-128. [Reprinted in Teksty z daleka…] [in Polish]. 
  • "W poszukiwaniu straconego języka" [In Search of a New Language], Ethos 8 (1989): 321-324. [Reprinted in Teksty z daleka…] [in Polish].

Articles in Other Journals:

  • "Wielcy polonistyki amerykańskiej: Manfred Kridl i Wiktor Weintraub" [The Great People of American Polish Studies: Manfred Kridl and Wiktor Weintraub], Biuletyn Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej (2008): 159-164 [in Polish].
  • [Co-author] "Polonistyka po amerykańsku – perspektywy i potrzeby" [Polish Literary Studies, American Style: Perspectives and Needs], Nauka 4 (2006): 97-100 [with H. Filipowicz & T. Trojanowska] [in Polish].
  • "Polonistyka na uniwersytecie amerykańskim: casus University of Kansas" [Polish Studies at an American University: The Case of the University of Kansas], Postscriptum 1-2 (2001): 55-59. [Revised version in Teksty z daleka…] [in Polish].
  • "Vincenza opowieść o krainie doskonałej" [Vincenz’s Tale of a Perfect Land], W Drodze 1 (1991): 99-102 [in Polish].

Selected Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles and Entries; Book Introductions; Notes:

  • Kridl Manfred. In Słownik polskiej krytyki literackiej 1764-1918. Ed. Józef Bachórz et al. [in Polish] (in press).
  • On “Urania" by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz, New England Review 2 (2019): 70. [in English].
  • "Andrzej Stasiuk." In Dictionary of Literary Biography. Twenty-First-Century Central and Eastern European Writers, ed. Steven Serafin et al., Detroit: Gale, 2010, 270-273 [in English].
  • "Formalism." In New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Maryanne C. Horowitz. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, vol. 2, 2005, 837-839 [in English]. [ - 1]
  • "Introduction to the New Edition." In Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz, trans. Jeremiah Curtin. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 2004, XV-XXII [in English].
  • "John Paul II." In The Dictionary of Literary Influences: The Twentieth Century, 1914-2000, ed. John Powell. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2004, 268-270 [in English].
  • "Rudnicki, Adolf." In The Reference Guide to Holocaust Literature, ed. Thomas Riggs. Detroit: St. James Press, 2002, 270-271 [in English].
  • "Ascent to Heaven." In The Reference Guide to Holocaust Literature, ed. Thomas Riggs. Detroit: St. James Press, 2002, 364-365 [in English].
  • "Poland." In Encyclopedia of Life Writing, ed. Margaretta Jolly. London, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2002, 719-721 [in English].
  •  "Herbert, Zbigniew." In Encyclopedia of the Essay, ed. Tracy Chevalier. London: Routledge, 1997, 385-386 [in English].

Book Reviews:

  • Wyszyński i literatura. Książka o pisarstwie Prymasa Tysiąclecia [Wyszyński and Literature: A Book on the Writings of Cardinal Wyszyński], Roczniki Humanistyczne 1 (2023): 142-145. [Review of Pisarstwo Prymasa Tysiąclecia by Jerzy Sikora.] [in Polish].
  • Review of Tymon Terlecki, Korespondencja teatralna 1955-1991, ed. Marzena Kuraś. The Polish Review 3 (2018): 72-76 [in English].
  • Review of Gombrowicza milczenie o Bogu by Łukasz Tischner. Slavic Review 3 (2015): 635-637 [in English].
  • Review of Living in Translation: Polish Writers in America, ed. Halina Stephan. Slavic Review 4 (2004): 859-861 [in English].
  • Review of Polish Romantic Literature: An Anthology, ed. Michael J. Mikos. The Sarmatian Review 1 (2004): 1019-1021 [in English].
  • Review of Necessary Lies by Eva Stachniak. The Sarmatian Review 3 (2001): 826 [in English].
  • Review of Praktyczny Słownik Współczesnej Polszczyzny, ed. Halina Zgółkowa. The Polish Review 3 (1995): 355-357 [in English].

Other Professional Activities:

Recent Conference Papers:

  • 2023 "Fałsz i niestosowność w literaturze. O wybranych opiniach krytycznych pisarza-moralisty Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego." International Conference "Gustaw Herling-Grudziński: Życie, twórczość, recepcja." The Polish Library POSK, London, England.
  • 2022 "On Some Native Components of Polish Formalism." International Online Conference "100th Anniversary of Ukrainian Formalism." Europa-Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany.
  • 2021 "Tymon Terlecki jako krytyk teatralny londyńskich ‘Wiadomości.’" Scholarly Conference "Czterdzieści lat po zamknięciu londyńskich ‘Wiadomości’". Nicholas Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland.
  • 2017 "Bohater powieściowy Josepha Conrada w eseistyce i pisarstwie krytycznym Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego." International Conference "Joseph Conrad. Między lądem a morzem / Joseph Conrad. ’Twixt Land and Sea", Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn, Poland.
    2016 "O potrzebie badań nad powojenną krytyką literacką na emigracji." Interdisciplinary Conference "Zapomniane dziedzictwo kulturowe polskiej emigracji po roku 1939", John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.
    2015  "Polish Literary Studies from Formalism to Structuralism." International Conference "Russian Formalism and Eastern and Central European Literary Theory: A Centenary View", University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England.
  • 2014  "Literatura (po)wojenna w refleksji krytycznej Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego." The Second International Conference on Emigration "Paryż – Londyn – Monachium – Nowy Jork. Powrześniowa emigracja niepodległościowa na mapie kultury nie tylko polskiej", University of Bialystok, Institute of National Remembrance, Bialystok, Poland.
  • 2014 "Polska literatura współczesna. Żywotne tematy w nauczaniu cudzoziemców." International Scholarly Conference "Czym kultura polska może dzisiaj uwieść frankofona?". University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 2013 "Literatura polska jako obca. Teoria i praktyka nauczania w Polsce i za granicą." International Scholarly Conference "Enseigner le polonais langue étrangère. Méthodes, contenus, pratiques." Université Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France.
  • 2012 "Adaptacje filmowe literatury polskiej w kulturowej edukacji cudzoziemców." International Scholarly Conference "Adaptacje." University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
  • 2012 "Refleksja nad literaturą w polskim piśmiennictwie emigracyjnym." The Fifth Congress of Polish Studies Abroad. University of Opole, Brzeg-Opole, Poland.
  • 2011 "Czesława Miłosza refleksja nad literaturą. Pierwsze lata emigracji." International Scholarly Conference "Dialogi Miłosza – Dialogi z Miłoszem." Festiwal Miłosz: Wschód – Zachód. Adam Mickiewicz University, Society of the Friends of Learning, Poznań, Poland.
  • 2011 "‘Literacki dylemat narodowości i uniwersalności.’ Wyspiański jako przedmiot międzynarodowej batalii Tymona Terleckiego." Fourth International Scholarly Conference "Literatura polska w świecie. Oblicza światowości." University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
  • 2009 "Literatura polska po angielsku. Problem kanonu lektur w nauczaniu cudzoziemców." Scholarly Conference "Kanon kultury w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego." University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 2008 "Herbert i krytycy (amerykańscy). Wprowadzenie do tematu." Scholarly Conference "Herbert na językach. Recepcja twórczości Zbigniewa Herberta w Polsce i na świecie." Polish National Library, Institute of Literary Studies, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 2008 "Wielcy polonistyki amerykańskiej: Manfred Kridl i Wiktor Weintraub." Conference/Seminar "W kręgu zainteresowań badawczych Wiktora Weintrauba." Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
  • 2007 "Głos stłumiony. O konwencjonalności literatury." International Conference "Pominięte, przemilczane, stłumione, zatarte w narracjach XX wieku"/"Gaps, Silences, Concealments, and Erasures in 20th-Century Narrations." University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 2006 "Udział Warszawskiego Koła Polonistów w tworzeniu polskiej szkoły formalnej." National Discussion Panel "Tradycje polskiej nauki o literaturze – Warszawskie Koło Polonistów po 70 latach." University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
  • 2006 "Polish Literary Theory Abroad." International Conference "In Search of (Creative) Diversity: New Perspectives in Polish Literary and Cultural Studies Abroad." University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
  • 2003 "Émigré Writers Return Home: Dziennik powrotu by Sławomir Mrożek." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 35th National Convention, Toronto, Canada.
  • 2003 "St. Petersburg as Siberia: Adam Mickiewicz’s Account of ‘Exile’ in Digression." Central Slavic Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA.
  • 2002 "When Formalism Meets Phenomenology: The Case of Kridl and Ingarden." American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) Annual Conference, New York, USA.
  • 2000 "Two Tales of Love: Iwaszkiewicz and Bunin." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 32nd National Convention, Denver, USA.
  • 1999 "The Prose Fiction of Jerzy Pilch." American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) 31st National Convention, St. Louis, USA.
  • 1998 "The Polish School of Formalism: Theory and Practice." American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) Annual Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • 1996 "Manfred Kridl: The Integration of Polish Formalism." American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
  • 1996 "Kazimierz Wóycicki: The Foundation of Polish Formalism." 54th Annual Meeting and Multidisciplinary Conference of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.

Other Lectures:

  •  "A Lyrical Poet as a Political Writer: ‘The Captive Mind’ by Czesław Miłosz." (With prof. B. Shallcross, University of Chicago). The Kosciuszko Foundation Lecture Series / Online Programs in cooperation with the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2021.
  • An Introduction to Polish Literature Through Poetry. 57th Summer Course in Polish Language and Culture. "Polonicum" Center, Department of Polish Philology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2012.
  • Stanisław Wyspiański. Poeta i dramaturg [Stanisław Wyspiański: Poet and Playwright]. 53rd Summer Course in Polish Language and Culture. "Polonicum" Center, Department of Polish Philology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2008.
  • Poland’s Return to Europe? Laird Brown Bag Lecture Series in Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA, 2004.
  • Between Formalism and Phenomenology of Literature: Manfred Kridl's Polemic with Roman Ingarden. Philosophy and Literature Seminar of the Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas, USA, 2002.
  • Soaring Prosperity, Fading Hopes: Poland 2001. Laird Brown Bag Lecture Series in Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA, 2002.
  • The Heart of Europe: Literary Responses to the Human Condition. University of Kansas Continuing Education; Spring 2001 KU for Lawrence Program, Lawrence, USA, 2001. 

Teaching in Recent Years:

  • Lecturer. Institute of Polish Philology, Department of the Humanities, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland (2014-2020):
  • Semester courses taught: Historia literatury polskiej – współczesność [History of Polish Literature: Late Modern Period to Present]; Literatura współczesna wobec literatury XIX wieku. [Contemporary Literature vs. 19th-Century Literature] [in Polish].
  • Lecturer. Center of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners “Polonicum“, Department of Polish Philology, University of Warsaw, Poland (2007-2016):
  • Semester courses taught: Polish Literature Adapted for Film; Modern and Contemporary Polish Literature; Masterpieces of Polish Literature; Polish Language-Elementary Level; Annual lecture: Polish Literature After 1989 [in English].

Selected Other Activities and Participation in Research Projects:

  • Series Editor for the Polish Studies Series, Academic Studies Press, Boston, USA.
  • Member of the Editorial Board, "The Polish Review", New York, USA.
  • Vice Chairman, Adam Mickiewicz Literary Society, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Member of the team research project Pisma zebrane Janusza Sławińskiego [Collected Writings of Janusz Sławiński] in the Department of Historical Poetics, Institute of Literary Research. Warsaw, Poland (2017- present).
  • Editor of the project’s English language version in the team research project of the Department of Historical Poetics, Institute of Literary Research: The Senses in Polish Culture: Representations of the Human Senses in Language, Writing, and Art from the Middle Ages to the Present (2012-2013).
  • Organizer and panel chairman at scholarly conferences of the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages and the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, USA (1996-2005).
  • Reviewer and member of the scholarship committee. National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., USA (2004).
  • Journal manuscript reviewer: The Polish Review; Slavonic and East European Review; Slavic and East European Journal; Slavic Review; Roczniki Humanistyczne; Open Cultural Studies; Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich.

Information about the Scholar in Reference Sources:

  • Marquis Who's Who in America (Chicago, USA).
  • Światowa Encyklopedia Polonistów (Katowice, Poland).
  • OPI Nauka Polska (Warsaw, Poland).
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