Dominika Gruntkowska, Śmierć grzesznika. Kilka uwag o Anatomii Martynusa Lutra i Relacyi a oraz suplice […] za predykantem Burchardym

Rok wydania: 2014
Liczba stron: 16 (65-80)
Słowa kluczowe: ciało, barok, kontrreformacja, satyra, śmierć
Autor: Dominika Gruntkowska (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)


The article discusses the theme of death, flesh and body of sinners, heretics and the damned, according to Church. It analyses selected works by Jacobus de Voragine, Klemens Bolesławiusz (1625–1689), Józef Baka (1707–1780), Jan Chądzyński (17th century) and Jan Zrzenczycki (16/17th century). In particular, the analysis focuses on the differences between these texts in depicting flesh and the moment of death of the main characters. As a result, it is possible to point out the fixed motifs and the styles of describing on the damned flesh. The analysis is based on the historical and literary research on flesh and corporeality.

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