Katarzyna Chruściel, Mowy weselne z pamiętnika Michała Obuchowicza – edycja krytyczna

Rok wydania: 2014
Liczba stron: 12 (81-92)
Słowa kluczowe: oratorstwo, Michał Obuchowicz, mowa weselna, edycja krytyczna
Autor: Katarzyna Chruściel (Uniwersytet Śląski)


The subject of the editio critica are two wedding speeches, written anonymously together with the diary of Michał Leon Obuchowicz (the manuscript from the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kórnik). The first speech is from the wedding of Prudencja Gosiewska and the second one is the exemplary speech made while giving the bride to the groom. There is a hypothesis that Michał Leon Obuchowicz is actually the author of both speeches. Even though the diaries were edited twice (in 1859, Vilnus and 2003, Warsaw), the texts have never been published.The author of the article postulates for including the editio critica in the editions of old diaries.

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