Radosław Rusnak, Jana Danieckiego dwa przekłady ze zbioru "Elegiarum libri quattuor" Jana Kochanowskiego (Jan Daniecki’s two translations from Jan Kochanowski’s “Elegiarum libri quattuor")

Jan Daniecki’s two translations from Jan Kochanowski’s “Elegiarum libri quattuor"

Year of publication: 2020
Page range: 23 (57-79)
Keywords: Jan Daniecki, Jan Kochanowski, elegy, Wanda, literary translation
Author: Radosław Rusnak (University of Warsow)


The paper includes two Polish translations of two Latin elegies of Jan Kochanowski. Their author is a Late-Renaissance poet Jan Daniecki (died after 1611), known for his passion for the antique tradition since he also translates some works of Lucian of Samosata. The first work tells the heroic deeds and tragic death of the legendary princess Wanda; the second one presents the story of two lovers, Odatis and Zariadres, overcoming all odds to unite and live happily ever after.

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