Małgorzata Kosiorek, Motywy folklorystyczne w liryce Franciszka Karpińskiego. Pieśń dziada sokalskiego w kordonie cesarskim

(The folk themes in the poetry of Franciszek Karpiński. Pieśń dziada sokalskiego w kordonie cesarskim)

Year of publication: 2015
Page range: 20 (21-40)
Keywords: Franciszek Karpiński, the folklore, oral texts
Author: Małgorzata Kosiorek (The University of Szczecin)


The connection between Pieśni dziada sokalskiego w kordonie cesarskim by Franciszek Karpiński (1741–1825) with the folklore is not as intense as in the opinions of the 20th century researchers. Although the author follows the linguistic features of the folk songs, he does not strongly relates to the main characteristics of the genre, like the connection between sacrum and profanum, the macabre and emotional descriptions. The use of allegory and philosophical issues creates a distance between Pieśni dziada sokalskiego w kordonie cesarskim and the folklore as well as other oral texts. The composition aspires to link with the themes of the higher culture, for example the Golden Age.

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